Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Oklahoma Rep Jadine Nollan Re: HB 1835 Marijuana Punishment bill

 Along with the much hype about legalization of marijuana in Oklahoma there is a much less talked about, HB 1835 that looks to reduce the penalty for possession of Marijuana. Please feel free to write your was my response.
Jadine Nollan
8:24 AM (19 hours ago)

to me

Thank you for your thoughts and comments.  I will keep them under advisement.  You are absolutely right about our prisons being over crowded.  I believe we do need to look at our non violent offenders policy.

Highest Regards,

Rep.  Jadine Nollan

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 2:59 AM , ProgressiveOkie> wrote:
> Jan 27, 2014
> Representative Jadine Nollan
> State Capitol Building, Room 329-A
> 2300 North Lincoln Boulevard
> Oklahoma City, OK 73105
> Dear Representative Nollan,
> The House Public Safety Committee recently voted unanimously in favor
> of HB 1835, a bill that would amend penalties for possession of
> marijuana in Oklahoma. Presently, our laws are some of the harshest in
> the nation.
> HB 1835 would classify first and second offenses for marijuana
> possession as misdemeanors. Under current law, first-time offenses for
> possession are unclassified, and subsequent offenses are felonies with
> two to 10 years of possible jail time. I've seen reports that our state
> has a serious problem with prison overcrowding. Last year, Justin
> Jones, director of the Oklahoma Department of Correction, said he
> doesn't think the state can go any lower with its staff to prisoner
> ratio. He said there isn't enough money to keep up with the volume of
> prisoners.
> We only have so many resources in our state, and we should reserve
> two-year prison terms for people who victimize others, not people who
> use a substance that more than 100 million adults in the U.S. have
> tried at least once.
> This harsh punishment does not fit the non-violent crime of possessing
> marijuana. Please support HB 1835. Thank you.
> Sincerely,


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